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Run Wild at the Creek is the PTO's biggest fundraiser of the year. Students spend the weeks leading up to our event collecting donations and earning cool prizes. Then on the big day, they’ll enjoy a Foam Fun Run and Field Day! Run Wild will be held during school hours. It is an interactive event to promote health, fitness, and fun while raising funds for our school.
The fun run is also a foam party! Students will be provided a Run Wild shirt to wear at the event. We also encourage sunglasses to be worn to protect eyes, and shorts that you don't mind getting dirty. Families are welcome to participate by cheering runners on, volunteering, or running with your student!
Register and Donate now at
Do you know a business that might be interested in sponsoring our event? Download the sponsor form to check out the benefits of sponsorship. Fill out the form and email it to We appreciation your support!
Set up your fundraising page today at . Students each get their own personalized fundraising page to share easily via text, email, and on social media. Send it to friends and relatives to help raise funds for our school. Your student can earn prizes as they raise money, and just for registering your student will receive a reward pass!
Each student can set up their own fundraising page where friends and family can make donations to sponsor them! $1 or $100 – every little bit counts!
Just for registering, students will receive a reward pass of their choice...
Stinky Feet/Shoes Off Pass
Hat Pass
Stuffed Animal Pass
Homework Pass
Start fundraising today to win prizes!
Once students raise $25 they can choose from a "blue bucket" Prize & will also receive 3 raffle tickets!
------------------------------------------------- **To register and collect donations**visit
Each student has a fundraising goal of $50.
Once students have raised $50 they can choose a "black bucket" prize and will also receive 3 additional raffle tickets!
------------------------------------------------- ** Students will then earn 3 raffle tickets for each additional $25 raised after their goal of $50.
When students earn raffle tickets they will be delivered to their homeroom. They can enter to win their choice of the prizes listed below....
Each class that reaches their goal of 75% students registered will get extra recess and a treat!
The top class in each grade that raises the most money will receive a lunch party in the cafeteria!
(This reward applies to grades K-4 only)
*Apple AirPods*
* 4 all access wristbands for Main Event plus 4 cards for 1 hour of arcade play.
* 2 Hours of Bowling at Tomball Bowl
* Karaoke Machine
* Fuji Film Instax Mini Camera
* $40 Gaming gift card
* Princess Package at Gossip Nails (manicure & pedicure)
* 40oz Stanley water bottle
* 1 month membership to KidStrong gym for kids ($300 value). TWO WINNERS
*1 month of robotics classes at Learn To Bot. ($175 value) TWO WINNERS
If we reach our total fundraising goal of $45,000 the top fundraising student from each grade level will get to pie the principal on stage at lunch!
------------------------------------------------- **To register and collect donations**visit
Cheer grams can be purchased for $2 each and will be delivered to your child’s class the day of Run Wild at the Creek! You can purchase these for your child or your child can send them to their friends! You can select the color that you would like while supplies last.
Be sure that each student in your child's class receives one by purchasing a class set at a discounted rate!
Cheer Gram purchases do not count towards the classroom fundraising goal.
Spirit Signs are another way to cheer on your child while they run. You may purchase a $7 blank sign to decorate as you please, or a $12 printed sign with the Run Wild logo as shown above with space for you to add your child's name, and other embellishments to your liking.
Signs will be sent home with your child starting on February 28th for you to decorate - You can be as creative as you want and purchase as many signs as you wish! Send the decorated sign back to school no later than MARCH 6th and we will display your sign around the track on race day!!
Signs that are not purchased through the PTO will NOT be placed around the track.
Spirit Sign purchases do not count towards the classroom fundraising goal.
The students are having so much fun collecting tags this year, we decided to add Run Wild themed backpack tags to the collection! We will be selling them for $3 each. Students can buy them during lunch in the cafeteria on Feb 18th, 21st, 24th, 26th, 28th, and March 3rd & 6th (cash only) OR order here on the “shop” tab.
Students can buy them for themselves or give one to a friend… or BOTH!
Spirit Tag purchases do not count towards the classroom fundraising goal.
We will need several volunteers the day of the Fun Run to make this event a success. If you are able to help out, please visit the following link to sign up.
The event will be combined with Field Day. The schedule for the day is below. Many parents choose to volunteer before or after their child's activities, so that they can volunteer, and cheer on or run with their student and participate in field day.
1st Grade- 9:10-10:00 Field Day / 10:00-10:50 Run Wild
2nd Grade- 10:10-11:00 Field Day / 11:00-11:50-Run Wild
Pre-K & Kinder- 11:10–12:00 Field Day/ 12:00-12:50 Run Wild
3rd Grade - 1:00-1:50 Field Day/ 1:50-2:40 Run Wild
4th Grade - 2:00-2:50 Field Day / 2:50-3:40 Run Wild